John Scanlan - Windows to the World

Artist Statement:
In attempting to share our view of the world as a tranquil and beautiful place, we frequently find ourselves in Europe, where the Old World has preserved images of a quiet, serene life.
In every image, we offer a tribute to the uniqueness of the places we have visited, reflecting an admiration for the beauty, history or symbolism in each location. The result is a collection that, taken as a whole, offers a rare view of an unwavering appreciation for beauty and serenity in all its forms, both natural and cultivated.
Every year since then, we have traveled to foreign places where our ultimate goal is to have each and every image pay silent homage to that location’s peculiar significance and power - whether via its cultural history, its symbolism, or its innate beauty. It is this power to transport that we feel distinguishes our work. Our goal is to make you feel as if you were passing through a window to another world. Hence, the name of our galleries, “Windows to the World.” If, in viewing our photographs, you feel a part of this past, then we have accomplished what we set out to do.
Deb and I are honored and excited by people’s enthusiasm for our work,” John says. “It’s very moving to have someone tell you they were touched by an image. We know what we like, but when other people find some meaning in what we do, we feel like we’re really making a contribution.”
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