November 08, 2021

Staircase Gallery Wall - Design Tips & Layouts

Staircase Gallery Wall - Design Tips & Layouts

You’ve decided it’s high time to conquer that slanted, tricky wall space along your staircase by hanging pictures to create a beautiful gallery wall display, but where to start?  What different layouts should you consider?  How big should the artwork be?  How in the world do you go about hanging art in a strategic manner? 

We are here to break that all down for you!  First we will show several different layouts for staircase gallery walls and then we will share useful design tips and picture hanging tricks.

If you are looking for art prints to incorporate into your gallery wall, check out our collection of matted art prints or shop our complete gallery wall sets and collections.


Staircase Gallery Wall Layouts


Organic gallery wall layouts are a great way to add lots of interest and to showcase an eclectic collection of art on a stairway wall. You can incorporate a mixture of artwork and family photos, display different sizes, have a variety of frame styles or stick with matching frames, incorporate a large piece of framed artwork, etc - the sky really is the limit. 

This design also allows you to “grow as you go”.  You can begin with a base of 5-7 pieces in the most visible area of the wall and add to your art collection over time, continuing up the stair wall.  Organic layouts take some strategizing, but are easily adaptable to staircase walls.  


For a deeper dive on designing a gallery wall including layouts, inspiration pictures and additional lighting + picture hanging tips, check out our 25-page Ultimate Gallery Wall Guide. Then come back here to adapt those ideas to your staircase walls!


Staircase Gallery Wall Organic Layout


Modern, clean, and simple, symmetrical gallery wall layouts are orderly and pleasing to the eye.  Symmetrical staircase gallery walls do best with framed artwork with the same dimensions and matching frames.  A white frame theme or all black frames are popular choices that complement just about all types of art pieces or family photos.


Symmetrical Staircase Gallery Wall




Staircase Gallery Wall Design Tips


Be mindful that unlike that large wall over your couch, a stairway wall will be viewed close up, so try to stick with small to medium sized pieces.  


After you have collected the artwork for your gallery wall, it is always best practice to lay them all down on the floor, starting with the middle piece and working your way out. To mimic a staircase wall, lay a piece of string or painter’s tape on the ground at roughly a 45 degree angle to be your “centerline” and place the artwork over that line. You can swap them around as many times as it takes until you are happy with the result.


PRO TIP:  If you are having trouble visualizing the added layer of the slanted centerline, you can start by laying them out as if they would be a “regular” gallery wall (non-slanted) as you begin deciding on placement.  Then shift them to the slanted layout.

     How to Hang a Gallery Wall


    • With organic layouts, alternate between hanging frames vertically and horizontally
    • If you have one large piece, put that one in the center of the layout
    • If you have more than one large piece, space them out to create balance
    • Hang each piece 2-3 inches apart in each direction
    • Start with the middle lowest frame and work your way out


    Staircase Gallery Wall Hanging Tips & Tricks

    Once you are happy with your layout, grab a measuring tape, pencil and painters tape and head to your staircase. 

    Your centerline parallels the angle of your staircase, 57” up from the floor.  Mark that point above the bottom stair, and make another mark above the top stair.  Place painter’s tape on the wall from point to point.  This will be your official centerline. Start by hanging the largest and lowest middle frame, at the center point or middle of your gallery wall space and work your way out, making adjustments as needed. 

    For more detailed step-by-step instructions and more practical tips for hanging a staircase gallery wall, check out our complete Gallery Wall Guide

    Gallery Wall Guide


    Staircase Gallery Walls Landing Ideas

    Adding yet another gallery wall at the top of your staircase landing is a great idea to keep the decor flow in your home.  The nice thing about staircase landings is that they will seem super simple as compared to the slanted variety we just covered.   

    Consider mixing it up with the layout.  If you created a symmetrical staircase gallery wall, pair it with an organic staircase landing gallery wall.  If you crafted an organic layout up the stairs, go for a symmetrical grid at the top!  


    Organic Gallery Wall Layout

    Symmetrical Gallery Wall Layout


    Gallery Wall Design Aesthetic

    You want your gallery wall to be aesthetically pleasing, whether your style is more themed or eclectic.

    Here are some designer tips in piecing together the components of your gallery wall:

    We hope these tips were helpful and you now feel like you know how to hang pictures up a staircase wall like a pro. Enjoy the process and happy decorating!


    Looking for gallery wall ideas or for gallery wall sets that are ready to hang? Shop our curated gallery wall sets here

    San Diego Gallery Wall

    Pictured: San Diego Vibes Gallery Wall Collection in mixed black and white frames. Also available in all black frames or all white frames.


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